Massive Returns await organizations whose data strategies enable business analytics, innovation and data science.

Data enables every aspect of a business, from marketing to manufacturing. This is why an effective data strategy is so important for your business. Professionals that connect data strategy and business strategy are able to inject analytics, innovation and data science into their operations and generate remarkable results.


The world doesn’t need any more resources devoted to teaching core data skills like predictive modeling, engineering, and visualizations. What professionals and organizations do need are tools that can help them translate those skills into meaningful value. With our solutions, companies can develop strategies that turn data into sustainable value.

How to drive the change as part of your data strategy
How to use data to quickly generate value for your company
How to “leapfrog” competition by avoiding common mistakes
How to drive powerful innovation with data-oriented learning

High Impact Data Talent Doesn’t Just happen, it is Cultivated.

Data professionals are in high demand, and building high performing teams can be a challenge for any organization. Haystack Academy can help organizations grow their own talent or hire externally. Regardless of your strategy you can cultivate talent using our domain expertise and partnerships with Universities.

Distilled experience, applied learning, Real Results

All of our tools incorporate lessons and experience from professionals who have spent their careers in the fields of data science, data analytics, engineering, data governance and data quality. We have led Fortune 500 data organizations, taught at leading universities and managed every element of an organization’s data journey.

We take an “applied learning approach” as we develop our courses, to mirror what professionals actually practice day to day. We distill our experience into insight to create tools and accelerators that professionals can deploy within their organizations from the start.

Fortune 500 consulting, training and accelerators, for the price of a single conference

Cutting edge technology can advance your analytics and innovation initiatives, but can be challenging to learn. Our Cloud Based environments allow for learning with minimal overhead and reduced risk.
Building a data driven organization isn’t easy. Our management strategy courses cover essential concepts and tactics that enable leaders to manage change, implement processes and drive value, for sustained competitive advantage.
Every organization is unique, but many challenges we face are common. Our business cases incorporate lessons from real companies to give professionals an in-depth understanding of analytics in action, so they can apply what they learn immediately.
By providing simulated data and solution sets, professionals can test and learn from different analytical methods. This approach decreases the risk of introducing new analytics and increases confidence in your data solutions.

Data strategy, data science and business analytics with an industry focus

Haystack products incorporate real examples from an array of industries. We are constantly conducting research to expand our industry coverage so that we can bring the most relevant insights possible every customer.

We delve into those subject areas that add the greatest value, most quickly to companies regardless of their industry, size or data maturity.

Haystack Academy builds deeper connections between corporations and universities generating new opportunities for both. With Haystack’s Farm Team, you can create data apprenticeships that become a talent pipeline for your organization.

  • Find real projects that companies want help with
  • Make partnering easier by using Haystack Academy solutions
  • Grow your relationships with companies over time
  • Provide new ways for students to gain real-world experience
  • Increase job placements for graduating students
  • Find research opportunities for professors
  • Develop new funding opportunities for your University

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